Archive | May 2018

SNAP Program Sinks America in Debt!

While working, I notice that people will pay for their food purchases with an EBT card. What is an EBT card and SNAP? Since 2008, SNAP has been the new name for food stamps, and it stands for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. An EBT card is how SNAP funds are dispersed. Seeing how many customers rely on the government is awakening. Piquing my curiosity, I did some research.

How many citizens rely on the government for food funds? The US Department of Agriculture says there are over 40 million participants in the 2018 SNAP program. Considering that there are currently 327 million American citizens, and 40 million of those are SNAP participants, you figure that 12% of the US population is in the SNAP program; 1 participant for every 8 people. That is an excessive amount of people!

In the above chart found from you see that under January of 2018, over 20 million households / 40 million individuals are participants of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. On a monthly basis, it is about $123 per person. This costs over $5 billion a month. Where do we get the money for this? Your tax dollars.


SNAP Map 2013


SNAP Map 2015

It was quite shocking to realize how many rely on the government for living expenses. It was even more shocking that all these SNAP customers are perfectly able citizens. They should not have to rely on the government for funds. If they applied themselves, they could excel and be independent, productive citizens. The question is, do they want to become independent?

I support government assistance for those who are unable to provide for themselves, as long as they work to be self-supporting. I believe that assisted citizens should try to become independent at every chance they get. I am a firm believer in helping those in need get on their feet and teaching them to be independent, productive citizens. Just as the proverb “Give a man a fish and he will be fed for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will be fed for life.”, government should help citizens only until they are able to provide for themselves. It is the duty of every American to reach for their full potential and become self-supporting, productive, citizens with pride in their independence.

Ron Paul Lovers- Check This Out!

For all of you Ron Paul Curriculum lovers out there, take a look at this!

Patriot Academy 2018

The Guardians

“What?! What is Patriot Academy?”

Patriot Academy: Founded in 2003 by Rick Green

Patriot academy is recommended to everyone who loves freedom, who wishes to polish their speaking skills, who wishes to gain leadership qualities, and who wishes to restore this country as “One nation under God!”

Despite the name, “Patriot Academy,” it is not an actual school, but a week long leadership conference in the state capitol.

Patriot Academy is a Christ-oriented organization committed to teaching Constitutional-founding principles to young patriots through a mock legislative environment. The goal of Patriot Academy is to inspire leaders, encourage individuals to stand for justice, and ignite the torch of freedom within us all!

There are 6 Patriot Academies across the United States. The national academy is based in the Austin, Texas capitol, and the other five in the state capitols of Idaho, Arizona, Florida, Virginia, and Delaware.

Students ages 16-25 come from surrounding states to attend Patriot Academy in summer months.

During the academy students are immersed into a mock legislative environment, participating in the roles of state representatives and senators. Students learn firsthand how government functions by working in committees, writing bills, presenting and debating bills in the House, and running/voting for House leadership! In between periods of legislation, students attend leadership workshops aimed at developing their speaking skills. In the evenings students get to hear Constitutional history lectures.

Graduates from the week-long academy are ready to advocate for freedom, truth, and justice in the world!


“That’s awesome! How can I attend?”

  1. Go to
  2. Find the closest Patriot Academy to you!
  3. Look at the student testimonials
  4. Apply


This academy has a great impact on many lives and inspires the youth to stand strong for Christ and country!



Should officials be term limited?

Elected officials on the federal level should absolutely be term limited! However term limits at the state and local levels are a completely different story. Locally, term limits are uncalled for because it is the people’s responsibility to ensure they have the right candidates in office, and if not, to replace them. It is up to you to decide…

The people may elect an ideal representative, loved by everyone, and would like him to stay in office for a long time. On the other hand, the people may elect someone they find out is not as great a choice. Implementing term limits allows for an efficient flow of fresh leadership.

Even if one likes the current official they have elected, there is a strong possibility that they may not like the next guy after him. Let’s say that the next guy elected is a poor choice with terrible policies, yet he keeps getting re-elected. The option of term limits guarantees that after so many re-elections, the incumbent will finally be forced to leave office. This can be a reassuring factor in the case that one wants to boot out their current official and cannot.

Term limits can also be very deterring. If a term limit is too short it can be restricting to a newly elected official. His term may end abruptly when he was just beginning to get the hang of it. He/she cannot rerun anymore because he/she used all of his/her terms. This process repeats itself with inexperienced representatives. This can be discouraging to Congress and the people!

Term limits ensure the rotation of matured officials out of a seat and give greater chances of election to the new candidates. It can be sad to see a good official leave, but it can also be very sought after to see a new face with a fresh platform. George Washington demonstrated his preference for term limits when he selflessly removed himself from re-election after serving two terms. I agree with Washington’s example in setting term limits for offices. It guarantees that one official does not control a seat for too long.

Should the US Constitution Be Considered “A Living Document?”

The U.S. Constitution should not be considered a living document. The framers meant for the Constitution to be the solid, unchanging law of the land. It was constructed to cover all cases that should arise in the future and it does. It doesn’t need to be interpreted very much because the words in the Constitution are straightforward and clear.

I understand that the future has special cases that no one in the 1700’s could expect, but the framers established basic rights that are inalienable for every citizen. The natural rights are described in the Constitution and they can be applied to each and every case. They don’t require any specialists for “proper” interpretation. If the Constitution was left how it was created originally, it would solve all problems.

Of course, because every court case couldn’t be predicted, the framers allowed for amendments to be added and Constitutional Conventions to be held. This was not meant for the Constitution to be changed or misinterpreted in any way. It was merely meant for the addition of amendments to improve circumstances according to the times, such as the addition of the 19th amendment supporting women’s suffrage. Therefore they left room for expansion, not for change.

Our Constitution restrains the government by giving it very few powers. The government is constructed to be very limited in what its enumerated powers are. The non-living, non-breathing Constitution is protecting and securing our rights.